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شرکت فولاد مبارکه اصفهان، به جمع حامیان کنفرانس پیوست.
شرکت فولاد مبارکه اصفهان، به جمع حامیان کنفرانس پیوست.

Steel Mobarakeh Isfahan Company, as one of the pioneers of the country's industry, has joined the supporters of the Third National Conference on Quality Management and Reliability Engineering.

According to the secretariat of this conference, Steel Mobarakeh aims to enhance the scientific and technical level of the country and promote its achievements in the field of quality management and engineering by taking on financial and moral support for this event. The company strives to contribute to the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the fields of quality and reliability, assisting in the sustainable development of the country’s industry.

شنبه 21 مهر 1403 (3 روز قبل )